
10 Secret Household Cleaning Tips

It’s time to clean your house after avoiding the thought for over 5 minutes! Let’s look at the top ten secrets that’ll make a busy mom or a weekend dad smile ear to ear!

Keep Supplies Nearby

Place paper towel rolls and multi-purpose cleaners in each bathroom. Your brooms, dusters and mops should be kept close to the area where you use them the most. Also, chose supplies and cleaners that multi-task.

Battle The Floors First

It’s better to de-clutter the floor first. Once this is done, the room will look tidier!

Start With the Tiniest!

Usually the kitchen is the only place you’ll find all sorts of work, from large to tiny ones. Start with the tiny ones that will take you about 5 minutes to complete.

On The Fly

After you’ve finished your business in the bathroom, what can you do while you’re still there? Maybe clean the bathroom mirror or hang up towels and tidy up the bathroom in less than a minute.

Let TV Commercials Help

Don’t skip through TV commercials; instead use them to get some work done. Perhaps that mug of coffee on the coffee table that’s waiting to be picked up?

Play Math in Each Room!

Divide the chore, subtract the waste and add it to the bag! Vacuuming becomes easier and faster when the room is less a mess!

Work with the Machine

While a machine does a task, do something else. If you have 5 minutes then clean bathroom basins. While you wait for the dryer, dust the living room. While your dishes are drying, collect garbage from around the house! When the machine rests, take a short break!

Schedule your Laundry

It’s never a good idea to spend an entire weekend doing your laundry. Instead if you’re too busy, schedule your laundry to run 3 times every week.

Tackle Little Mess Quick

Dropped water? Clean it up. Biscuit crumbs? Clean them up immediately. If you wait, the mess grows; instead, tackle them as soon as they happen.

Prepare for Food!

While watching your favorite TV show, dice, cut and prepare your vegetables! Toast bread for brunch or simply prepare your salad!

Photo Credit: www.pureandgentlesoap.com

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