
4 carbs you can substitute with cauliflower

Cauliflower is not really one of most exciting veggies in the market today but you will be surprised just how versatile of a carbohydrate substitute this vegetable can be.

There are at least four dishes whose carbs you can easily replace with cauliflower to make it healthier. Buzzfeed demonstrates these dishes and it’s amazing how easy they are.

You can use cauliflower instead of bread, pasta or rice. You can replace with the bread in grilled cheese with cauliflower, the macaroni in mac and cheese to cauliflower and many more! Imagination is the limit.

Reducing carbs is a great way to cut calorie intake. Imagine not only reducing carbs but also replacing it with a vegetable?

Go to the next page to watch the video! It’s so much easier than you think to get healthier!

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