
‘Cake Boss’ star Buddy Valastro mangles hand in bowling accident

Buddy Valastro, the “Cake Boss” star, is recovering after a tragic incident at his home where he has a custom bowling alley.

Valastro, 43, was enjoying “quality time” at his New Jersey residence with his family, and was bowling when the alley’s pinsetter assembly malfunctioned and Valastro went to address it.

“After trying to release the bowling pin from the cage mechanism, his right hand became lodged and compressed inside the unit,” the rep relayed. “Unable to remove his hand, he can see a 1-1/2″ metal rod slowly and repeatedly impale his hand three times between his ring finger and middle finger.”

Not too long after that his sons, Valastro Buddy Jr., 16 years old, and Marco, 13, were able to free their father by cutting through the rod.

Read the entire article here: pagesix.com

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