
Mortal Kombat Creator Asks Fans If They Want Marvel vs DC Game

Ed Boon, the designer of Mortal Kombat, is attempting to figure out what fans want to see next from NetherRealm Studios and has pitched a Marvel vs. DC Comics video game. Fans have been asking for a Marvel vs. DC video game for years.

They’re the two greatest names in the superhero world, and fans want to see what would happen if Iron Man faced up against Batman or something similar. Marvel and DC had a comic book crossover in the 1990s, which was a huge kind of dream fulfillment for superhero fans everywhere.

With the growth of the MCU, fans have yearned for the many cinematic universes to intersect in one great crossover.

From comicbook.com:

While it may be a while before the movies can make that happen, Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon seems to be toying with the idea of it in a video game. On Twitter, Boon asked what fans wanted to see from NetherRealm next. Two of the most obvious choices were a new Mortal Kombat, Injustice 3, and perhaps most interestingly, a Marvel game, or Marvel vs DC. Of course, NetherRealm is owned by Warner Brothers and has taken advantage of DC’s various characters in both Injustice and the Mortal Kombat series, but never Marvel. Boon confirmed in 2019 that he had a conversation with Marvel about a game and really wanted to do a Marvel vs DC game, but nothing has really come from it since then.

Read the entire article here: comicbook.com

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