
QUIZ: DC or MARVEL, Find Out Which SUPERHERO You Are!

Haha! That last line is hilarious! I guess I can be annoying being too perfect, you know? Yeah, right. Anyway, as a Marvel superhero, I discovered that I was Iron Man! What a far cry from my Superman result! Here’s what it said about me:

If you’re honest you’re only really a superhero because you love being in the centre of attention. You are a show-off and love to have people gush over you and your many talents – which is all the more reason to save a few people from danger.

I’m not sure about my Marvel test result but the great thing is, I can take the test again and give better answers next time, hopefully the test will get my personality right.

What about you? Are you more of Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern or Flash? Maybe you’re Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, or Wolverine?

Take the test on the Next Page to find out the superhero in you! Go!

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