
Teen Boy Kills Girlfriend's Parents to later have sex. Now being released after ONLY 5 years!

It was his stepdaughter’s 13-year-old boyfriend, he said.

Minutes later, police pulled up outside the boyfriend’s house, just a few blocks away. There, they found Darlene’s 12-year-old daughter and her boyfriend — having celebratory sex.

When Alan Nevil succumbed to his injuries 16 days later, the young couple was charged with capital murder. Adults convicted of the charge can be executed. Charged as juveniles, though, the youths faced a maximum of 40 years in prison. The boyfriend and girlfriend both pleaded guilty and were sentenced to 28 years and 20 years, respectively. Neither has been publicly named because they were juveniles.

BUT….although they were sentenced to 28 & 20 years in prison, ultimately, that is NOT what they ended up serving! You won’t believe what happened!

See the full story at the Washington Post here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/05/19/a-tex-teen-killed-his-girlfriends-parents-then-got-caught-while-having-sex-now-hes-getting-released-after-5-years/?wpisrc=nl_az_most


Source: The Washington Post


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