
Want to Lose the Pregnancy Fat for Good? Real Moms Tell You How! Kick That Pouch and Get Rid of Jiggly Skin!

Eat Less, Drink More

Maria lost 80 pounds in 6 months

“I made it a point to drink more fluid i.e. water or juice most of the day. I gradually increased the amount of water I drank, sipping a glass before, during and after feeding the baby. This made me stay away from snacks and added fat!”

Limit Fat Intake

Elsa lost 80 pounds in 18 months

“I made it a rule not to overeat fat stuff. So I limited my cheese, carb, sugar, caffeine and fat intake. Instead of snacking on potato chips, I stuck to raw veggies like carrots and cucumbers and fruits! It has definitely been worth the while!”

Set Possible Goals

Betty lost 25 pounds in 9 months

“Setting possible goals made me achieve a lot! So I vowed to become fit in less than 10 months and I even wrote it down so I could read it every single day. Before eating anything lavish, I’d look back at my note on the fridge and that was enough or me to say no!”

Fend Off Temptation

Kerri lost 40 pounds in 10 months

“I loved chocolates and soft drinks, but I knew I had to stay away from them so I threw them all out! There was nothing in the fridge except fruits and veggies. With no sweets or drinks at home, I was able to stay away from temptation!”

Join a Baby-Friendly Gym

Jen lost 70 pounds in 7-8 months

“I made sure to pick the right gym and get started while I looked over my baby. I think I was able to lose a lot of pregnancy fat because I knew my baby was safe and that I’m available should anything be required. That gave me much more freedom to exercise and sweat it off!”

Photo Credit: www.thaqafnafsak.com

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