

Venom vs. Carnage is the highlight of the second episode of Marvel Knights: Spider-Man. As I mentioned in the previous page and in our earlier post regarding episode one, the acting needed work.

In this next installment, however, the actors portrayed their characters much better this time and there’s more action as well. It’s our introduction to Aunt May and a young Mary Jane, plus we also have the debut of Eddie Brock in the series.

We’re also shown Peter’s grief over the death of Gwen Stacy and how he springs into action the moment he is needed.

Here’s the “Rise of Carnage!”

Spider-Man looks legit and his dialogue is spot-on with how he would annoy his enemies during a fight. I was just surprised at how quickly he went from being so depressed to being overly happy in such a short amount of time! Haha! I guess battling super-villains will do that for you!

Looking at the costumes of both Venom and Carnage, I’m not too keen on both of them appearing to be wet-like shiny and sort of jelly-like at the same time. I was hoping for Venom to look more like he had a regular costume (like the one in the comics) but with the symbiote effect of making it look alive.

Same goes for Carnage but I was a more bothered that he had such a big head! I guess the costumes need a lot of work here than anything else. I know the Venom and Carnage costumes are tough to create but I wish they took more time to improve on it instead of showing them both looking half-baked.

Otherwise, I think Made Legit Media’s basic premise for this series looks promising (see previous page) and this episode is a nice effort in making a live-action Venom vs. Carnage adaptation possible to Spider-Man fans.

We’ll be featuring the next episode when it comes out.

What do you think of the Venom vs. Carnage battle in second episode of Marvel Knights: Spider-Man? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section of our official Facebook page!

Source: Made Legit Media

Image source:  Slideshow Collectibles

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