
Cute Little Angel Talks To Her Daddy And Is Beyond Adorable

You know why we’re still crazy for baby videos? Because its such a treat to see what these tiny people have in store for us! You can never guess what they’re going to do, and that’s so much fun!

The first few steps in a child’s existence are huge for parents and, of course, they want to record it on tape, for posterity. It feels that in the “classic days,” where there were tapes and people had to prepare carefully what they were going to film to keep or not, there was a far stronger likelihood that you might really get the good stuff on time.

Now, in the modern era, we can film and document moments like endlessly, but so often we don’t capture anything of substance. But the good news is in this digital age we don’t have to keep those videos forever, we can just immediately delete and keep trying again and again.

Listening to your baby speak for the first time, even though it’s just a mumbo jumbo, really makes for an incredible experience. You expect them to express something when you first set your eyes on them. But the words don’t fall as quickly as we’d want them to out of our baby’s mouths; no, at first, they’re muttering. They’re opening their mouths with a urge to make something heard, but little comes out of of them except bubbling noises and bubbling sounds.

lders would suggest that if the kid is really talkative, it means they are destined for a career like a journalist, or prosecutor, etc and we’d love to believe that, but what if something more is going on? Listening to this baby girl babble with her dad, seeing him look at her dead in the eye, we’d love to think that she may be a defender of the law as she grows up. Lol

Read the entire article here: rumble.com

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