
Dog Walks in Graduation Ceremony On Behalf of Deceased Owner

This story is so beautiful it deserves to be shared! A university student named Josh Kelly had been suffering from a bad case of epilepsy for as long as he can remember. He suffer a lot of seizures and it’s his family and faithful dog Cletus that’s been helping him through his health hardships.

Determined to finish college and earn a university diploma, Josh Kelly braved going to school everyday despite his illness to get his coveted degree in GeoScience. He was so in love with his studies that the Geoscience department has become his second family.

However, just a few classes shy of his graduation, Josh Kelly had a seizure so violent that even his service dog couldn’t save him. He was found passed out in a neighbor’s lawn on his way back from school and all efforts to revive him have failed.

It was sad day not only for Josh’s family but for the entire university who had his back.

But all of Josh’s effort will not just go down the drain. The university determined that Josh’s dad and his loyal service dog can walk in his stead during graduation and take his diploma. The two happily obliged.

Read On watch how this dog represents his owner!!


  1. Traccey Donati
  2. Marisol

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