
Firefighter delivers stranger’s baby not expecting to become the girl’s father

Marc and Beth considered adoption, but immediately realized that their fireman and teacher wages made it nearly impossible.

Marc and Beth trusted God with their future and went about their daily lives with their two lovely boys. That is, until Marc answered a phone call at work. He thought it would be a routine phone conversation, but it was the one that changed his and his family’s lives forever.

Marc went to an emergency call for a lady who was experiencing stomach pain.

When he came, it was evident that she was pregnant and in labor. The mother was not going to make it to the hospital, so Marc took the lead in delivering a baby for the first time. The baby grew up to be a lovely young girl.

Source: Youtube – Inside Edition (Marc Hadden)

Marc and his partner brought the woman and newborn baby straight to the hospital. Marc overheard a nurse mention that the baby needed to be put up for “immediate adoption” according to the mom. How did Marc reply to this news?

By jokingly saying, “Throw my name in the hat if this baby’s being put up for adoption.”

Read the entire article here: spotlightstories.co

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