
Top 5 Tips For Parents With An Introvert Child…They're Special!

Introvert children are not shy, they just prefer solitary to social activities, but they do not fear crowds like shy children do. Here’s how you can shape them better!

Introvert children are usually more occupied in their own world, they like thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. Although they’ll often be found sitting by themselves, they’re not shy, scared or depressed. They often feel that being around people drains their energy and thus they avoid social situations. If they are around people, like in a party, they will soon disappear for some time in order to ‘recharge‘. Introvert children know how to converse, they usually like talking about ideas and concepts instead of talking about everyday things. There are about 25-40% of gifted introvert children in the entire world! If you have an introvert child, don’t despair, here are top 5 tips for parents to follow!

Who says introvert children aren’t kind or thoughtful? In fact they’re focused, and they love to talk provided that they talk about things they enjoy talking about. They will always keep themselves occupied by reading, drawing, writing, or anything else that doesn’t normally require adult supervision. 

Introvert children have the capacity to develop great passion. As a parent, you need to find what your child is good at and then cultivate the enthusiasm. Well-developed talents will give them great confidence thus always keep them engaged in creative activities. Games like soccer, piano, painting and knitting are great for introvert kids!

Some people say that if one of the parents is an introvert, the child has a chance of becoming one. If this is the case, don’t let your childhood haunt your child. Being an introvert parent to an introvert child does not mean that your history will project onto your child. Instead, teach her skills that will help her deal with the challenging aspects of her nature. 

Introvert children don’t like to be rushed, so take your time and let your child take her’s when you want to introduce her to something new. The key is gradual exposure. Never let your child down when they want to take their time to try something new, you’re only going to scare them, which in turn will make them believe that they’re not “normal”. When they take social risks, reward them with kind words of encouragement, tell them how proud you are and how the risk they took will help them become even stronger. 

If you have to attend a social gathering, try to be there early so that your child can feel that he “owns” the space and that when other guests arrive they’re joining him in that particular space. Introvert children feel very uncomfortable to mingle with pre-existing groups. 

To see more tips, click here!

Article Source: The Power Of Introverts

Photo Credit: www.edutopia.org

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