
Cat Tries To Wake Up His Dog BFF But Dog Was Too Tired!

This is another one of those videos that break stereotypes. Cats and dogs are often branded as enemies but not these two; in fact, they are one of the cutest, most loving duo I have ever seen.

See, this cat is desperately trying to wake up his dog BFF. I am not sure for what reason, I don’t speak cat. She nuzzles her buddy, touches his paw, sniff him and even rubbed her body against his but to no avail, she fails.

Have you ever heard of the famous adage that goes, ‘’If you can’t beat them, join them’’? That saying is perfectly applicable to the situation between this cat and his dog buddy.

Knowing that the dog will never wake up despite her many advances, she decides to snuggle with him and follow him to dreamland.

You have got to Read On to see this adorable interaction. I’d give anything to snuggle up with these two!


  1. Helen
  2. Dorothy Shea

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