
This Father Held His Two Month Old Baby In His Lap…Then She Spoke!

Watching this video made me think back to when we had our baby at that age. We did like most parents and tried to get our child to repeat words we would say to him all the time. But for us…like so many others…he was simply too young.

That is why seeing and hearing this adorable baby actually trying to say the words is so cool to watch!


So, what did you think about this video? Do you have a similar amazing story to share regarding your baby?

Please share in the comments below.


Thanks to Stephanie Passalacqua for uploading this on YouTube!

Article Source: Stephanie Passalacqua

Photo Credit: Stephanie Passalacqua

Article Source: Opposingviews.com


  1. Pam Harnden
  2. Johnnie Butler
  3. cindy cockroft
  4. Debra
  5. Gale
  6. Sylvana Mansell
  7. Bellatrix

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